Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More Jackson

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and love sent on behalf of our new family member. It is touching to know how many people care about our little clan. Here are some pictures of Eleanor trying to figure out who the little guy is.

Jack has been doing great so far, eating and sleeping like a champ, which is about all you are supposed to do at 36 hours old. He has made a good impression on all visitors so far, Grandma below.

Aunt Pam and Uncle Scott braved the slick conditions for a visit.

As did family friends Marv and Mary Lou Ward. They even brought a present for Nora, which I'm sure she will love. I'm sure we will love having something to distract her on her next visit. Thanks to everyone!


Aunt Pat said...

Congratulations, Wendy and Geoff! Your family is beautiful. What a big boy Jack is..already half grown! Nora looks like a very proud big sister; I'll bet she will be a huge helper!

We look forward to your next visit to Oregon. Do you know when that will be? I think I heard a rumor that maybe next summer you might be coming for a that true?

Love and hugs to all of you,
Aunt Pay

Jessie and David said...

congratulations! I am so happy to hear that jack is with us and Mom and Baby (Dad and Big Sis, too!) are doing well. We can't wait to meet him. Maddie is looking forward to not being the "baby" of the Urban Family! Take care. What a glorious way to celebrate the holidays!! love, jessie, david & maddie

Michelle said...

So...I was thinking about you three about 3 minutes ago, wondering if Jack had arrived, waiting for my email update on his arrival. And, then it occurred to me that it was probably posted on your blog! Duh. So anyway....He is the cutest baby boy ever!!! I adore him already and can't wait to meet him. I'm sure that he and Nora will get along famously, she is such a fabulous little thing (and looking cuter by the day the pictures indicate!).

Best wishes to your lovely family this holiday season.


Michelle, Griffin and Riley