My mom has called me lovebug as long as I can remember and actually still does every now and again. Without meaning to, it has become one of the nicknames that both Geoff & I call our girl. It rolls off the tongue so effortlessly, it seems like she was always supposed to be called lovebug. I adore this picture of Nora because she is starting to smile. Every time she grins, it melts my heart. Plus, a cute hat helps that *wow* factor (we actually got this hat from two people: our friend Danyll and Grandpa's friend Brenda. For those of you not from around here, that is a Buckeye on the hat).
And in this picture, our girl is supporting her favorite college football team, Ohio State, in a onesie from Ed & Evelyn Erlanger. Recently, OSU played the Washington Huskies in a game Geoff & I were actually planning on going to in Seattle until we found out our little Buckeye was on her way. The Buckeyes beat the Huskies in that game and this is now Eleanor's favorite outfit.
Peeking out from behind her bouncy chair toys, which she is just starting to pay attention to, Nora wonders why I am taking so many pictures. This outfit was given to us by our friend Elaine and it says, "I pulled an all-nighter." HA! Cracked me up when I saw it as Elaine and I pulled a lot of all nighters in our days of graduate school in Portland. Plus, its a good luck shirt too given that since we got it, Eleanor has taken to falling asleep around 9:00 pm and slept through the night to 5:00 am. This actually started the night before I returned to work, thank god. Proof positive our Eleanor is a very smart girl.
So, lovebug is asleep and I am feeling like a RockStar Mom. We are exhausted every night, but loving our time with Nora as she discovers new things. I completely relish the reports of how she did during the day as well as our own night-time rituals. Walks in the stroller are more fun as we describe surroundings and watch her fall asleep over the bumpy roads. Most recently, I can hold her on my shoulder without her tumbling over. Finally, what I really love is picturing her at various stages and ages of her life ahead. I smile, looking forward to each one, while completely loving this present time. She is growing so big so fast and it is the most fun I have ever had. Thanks for the fun lovebug, Mama