So, our girl is brilliant. Of course we knew it already, but today she proved it--3 times before 7 am. Nora is exactly 21 months old and she repeated the alphabet--the whole thing! Until today, she would always stop at the letter "f" but not today, boy, she went right through to "z" three times! Well, I am just so excited and so is she!

And yes, we do have Easter pictures! Seriously, we are just so busy at home and the days are over before we even realize it. But, some updates include Eleanor learning about a "naughty spot" and showing great excitement to use her potty. Last night she stripped down completely naked twice to sit on her potty chair. She actually peed next to it, which we consider a step in the right direction. Jack is getting longer every day. He is controlling is neck well and coos at everyone a lot.

Here is Jack, happy as a clam, after
his sister brought him the doughnut holes last week. She brings him everything, offers him whatever she is eating or drinking or playing with. He can't play with her yet, but I just cant help but think that once he does
want to play with her, she won't care one bit. Look at that smile!
Wehages, I think he got your cheeks!

Here is Daddy and Nora Kate. She can do a mean
lower lip pout and she knows just how to do it too. Jack does it and it breaks our hearts, but Nora doe sit to crack daddy
and Mama up!

And here I am playing my new favorite game with Jackson. I kiss him on the cheeks and he moves, usually open-mouthed, to kiss me back. It is very sweet and I just can't resist giving kisses to my babies.

In other news, we are going to start working to get the house in order to sell. We have to do some painting, patching, moving of furniture,
yard work, and power washing. Oh yeah, and we gave ourselves a month to do this. Wish us luck! We're pretty sure we are making the move to
Grandview, about a mile from where we are now, but into a good school district while staying urban. We'll keep you updated as best we can!