So, it's already February. here is Eleanor with her Dad, who has become her favorite playmate. "Come play with me Dad" "Lay down Dad, you sick. I feed you soup!" "Let's go upstairs"

So, our girl is talking a lot. Here are a few of our favorite quotes as of late:
"I having a rough time"(when she woke up sick one night)
"You're fun, dad."
"Need more bottle, Jack?"
"I love your shirt." (after saying I love you, she always ends with this gem)
"You have a good day, mommy?"
"I like noodles!"
"You not feel well? I make you soup."
"You wanna hold my hand, Jack?"
"I missed you
soooo much!"
Okaaay Mom"
Jackson too is talking a lot. The only words we can make out are Dada, Mama and ball, all of the same first words Nora Kate said. He is also walking like a champ. He often takes walks around the three first floor rooms, in a circle, over and over. He also follows Mama and
Mookie and Eleanor and Daddy around. he has also discovered that he can get just about anything he wants by screeching in a very loud, very high pitched yell. It makes the hair stand up on your neck. But, his kisses more than make up for the occasional screech.
We have all been battling colds, but Nora has it the worst. You'll have that in Ohio Februaries (today's high was in the low twenties). More snow tomorrow (just another 4 - 8 inches, so not bad). Its not hard to tolerate the snow when it is February because we'll have maybe 1 or 2 more snows and then it will be Spring! But, Nora loves shoveling snow with her dad and they built two baby snowmen (well, a "mama and baby snowman" according to Nora) this weekend, which are super cute. Here's a picture of the kids "reading."

Yesterday, Nora went to her friend Collin's birthday part at
Gymboree Play & Music, which was FUN! Bubbles, parachutes, maracas, and so much more! Great idea for a kids birthday party and I am sure we will get to have many more of these kinds of days. Jack loved it too, which was very fun to watch.

And one more picture for Grandma! I have more, but can I find them?

Life has been busy, but we're having fun. No movement on our house, but it's back on the market at a lower price, so we'll see.