Sorry it has been so long since we have posted. The winter has broke here in Ohio and with temps reaching 60 degrees, we are outside meeting the play demands of our kiddos. Speaking of the now 15 month old Jackson and 4-months-from THREE (what???) Eleanor, they are super. Say what you will about being only 17 months a part in age, but they are so damn cute. Jack follows Nora around and she helps him a lot. They beam smiles at each other and love to be around one another. It's just sweet. Here they are attempting a nap:

And, look at our girl, so tall! And she is counting objects everywhere and doing things like taking a slice of pizza and announcing, "It's a triangle!" Uh--yeah, it is! I would put her at 85% potty trained, getting through most nights fine, but poopin the first thing upon going outside. Change in temperature? That's my theory. Her teachers report all good things from her, being sweet and helpful and making good choices, all of that stuff you hope you'll hear. Here is quote from one of her teacher notes, " I wanted you both to know that Nora was absolutely wonderful this week at school! She's been extra helpful, very polite (e.g., during snack times), and generally just a pleasure to be around. :)"
Asserting her independence has been the name of the game lately though, with some great outcomes and some frustrating (refusing to get in her carseat, despite the desperate attempts by her parents to rationalize with her) times as well. Ah, three!

Here are both kids enjoying a Gymboree birthday party, rapt with the teachers musical ability and chance to use moroccos.

Lastly, a picture of our happy boy. Believe it or not, after 8 - 9 months of having exactly 8 teeth, the kid is getting EIGHT more simultaneously--all flanking is existing 8. We go to the pediatrician today to get his well child check up so I'll have height, weight and head size to share later. He is growing a lot though, seems bigger to me. Losing the baby fat and looking so much like a little boy instead of a baby. He is a sweet little thing and talking!!! I swear he mimics everything we say and is pretty close, but has added woof woof, up, and his own name to the list of words he can say. Yay!