Nora's emotion and subsequent actions toward Jack are in constant vacillation. Each moment, Geoff and I are not sure which it will be as the movement between the two sides are so seamless. Love and hate, thoughtfulness and bullying, gentle and harmful.
And where is Jack in all of this? Let me preface this by saying, I know his time will come. He will be mean to her, pester her, emotionally push her buttons and not care a bit about her tears, but that day is not today. Today, he is the sad one wondering why she won't just let him play with her. Jack is outside the locked (a lock, which we never thought of until Nora started to use it as a solid barrier between her brother and herself) door repeating over and over "come in, shister? come in shister?" It was the saddest thing.
Then, he was sitting in my arms when I noticed a bite mark on his arm and, stayed silent as I listened to Nora's "I did it" confession (while smiling) and reminded her again to use words. And, he is the one who runs to give her a hug and a kiss goodnight, every night, before bed, saying "good night shister."
Of course Nora protects him fiercely, mothers him, and loves on him too. She has a special tone of voice for only him, she cuddles him and gives him treats when he has already finished his. She introduces him to everyone before introducing herself and she loves teaching him something new.
And, Jack, well, he just wants to do whatever she is doing. He wants to be included and play with her in whatever fun game she has invented. So, we watch and intervene as needed, remind about kindness and what a family is and try and let them work out their own frustrations, arguments, and problems. We also get lots of laughter and moments to be proud when they are sweet to each other.

OK, last thought: I think most of you who still read the blog are also on Facebook. Why do you like Facebook? I have never been on it and don't have time to link up with people I don't currently have in my life, so I wonder if I am just getting old and cranky about technology or I just haven't discovered the magic that is a social networking site yet. Convince me.