We have finished up summer with lots of outside walks, trips to the zoo, local festivals, and a wonderful weekend to visit family in Lyons, Ohio. The children often bring me sticks, flowers, acorns, leaves, and assorted grasses (Jack says, "A very beautiful flower for you, Mama!"). I simply do not have the heart to throw them away when they are so excited to give the beautiful nature to me; so, I started this Nature Bouquet to display the treasures. The rocks & shells are from
Whidbey Island in the San Juan Islands of the Puget Sound. The whole thing has resulted in a lovely addition to the kitchen. It makes me smile and has the added benefit of making dish washing significantly less dreary.

Here's a look at the kiddos, growing so big with sweet smiles. Here with the "babies" they chose to take to school this particular day. I cannot help but flash forward to 5 or so years from now when they are in cahoots together scheming some way to outsmart me. Can't you see it too?

And look at our big 4 1/2 year old girl. Still has those dimples! I am drawn to the happy poses since the emotion regulation task of her age has us riding a roller coaster of significant highs and lows throughout the day. Whew buddy, I had no idea a kid could be so happy one minute and melt down into complete despair the next. It does make me appreciate parents all over the world, past and present, who have lived through their kid figuring out appropriate emotional responses to getting and not getting what they want.

Last weekend we visited Geoff's cousin, Susan and her family. Susan and Joe have been married for 33 years (amazing!). There is a quite famous picture of Geoff as a five year old in their wedding in a cutest white tuxedo ever. Geoff's mom Susie loved that picture and since it was just her birthday, I was thinking about how much she would love that we spent time with Susan and Joe on their family's land. There is a gorgeous pond, corn field, and barn, not to mention the breathtaking home. One of my favorite spots (which I discovered only because there were four extra adults around to keep eyes on the kids) is the big rock and grave marker of Susan's mom and Susie's sister, Barb. She is buried there by the pond under the shade of a pretty tree. I am comforted by knowing that anyone can visit Barb without effort; with a steaming hot cup of coffee in the foggy morning as I did; or even in your pajamas if you like! I really think we would all deal with death a little easier if we grew up with reminders of our dearly departed close to home.
Well, we played and visited a farm, chose wonderful vegetables and the best apples you'll ever eat (Seriously, Ohio should be famous for its honey crisp apples). Joe let the kids drive the tractor and we all took turns, even me!

And, as is true when you visit people with big hearts and a genuine love for children, the entertainment seemed effortless. Here Susan adorned Nora Kate with jewels and scarves until she found her inner gypsy.

April and Luke were there the whole weekend too and so Nora and Jack both found friends in the young 20-somethings, who seemed to also delight in our babies. I know that you parents out there will understand this, if you have kids over the age of 2. Not everyone in the world finds our kids as amazing, funny, smart, or fascinating as Geoff and I do. Now, don't get me wrong, we all need our breaks from kid-centered attention. But, I have come to appreciate the adults we encounter who truly and genuinely find pleasure in my children's laughter. Those people who interact with them on their level instead of waiting for our kids to come to them. The rare individual who engages them in a way which challenges and cherishes them for simply being on the earth. Susan, Joe, Luke & April are these kind of people and we thank you so much for the love. Susan and Joe are about to become grandparents for the first time, but they are already really, really good at it!
So, as we enjoy the 80-degree weather outside in October, we have been blogging less and less; but hiking and walking and biking and leaf collecting cannot wait! We know you understand. Finally, I'll end the post by wishing Happy Birthday to baby Eleanor Rose, born just about a week ago now, to our friends Todd and Lauren. Welcome to the world little one!