This confidence has cause her to argue with us on some phrases, such as when Wendy said we will be home in a jiffy, she said, "No, it's jippy. We will be home in a jippy!"
She also called Wendy's beauty mark a "booby mark".

Since then she has asked how my mom and Wendy's dad died, as well as how all of our old pets died. We have also talked about how plants die and she got sad this year when the trees lost their leaves. It was kind of striking at first, but since Wendy and I are "reality based parents", we were happy to explain how our loved ones have passed. Nora has always taken it in stride and has asked a lot of questions, about how we felt and how we still fell ("Do you miss her?"). There is a reason multiple teachers have called her the most empathetic kid they have ever taught.
About a month ago we were reading a book about Washington D.C. they showed the mint and a $5 dollar bill, so she asked who he was.
G:"Abraham Lincoln, he was President of the United States."
EKG: "Is he dead?"
G:"Yes he died a long time ago."
EKG:"How did he die?"
G:"Well, he was shot and died."
EKG: Looking confused -
EKG:"What was that mans name?"
G: "His name was John Wilkes Booth."
EKG: "He must not have been a nice man."
G: "No he was not a nice man at all. But Lincoln accomplished so much before he was killed we still celebrate him as one of the greatest presidents."