Nora is thrilled (not really)

And the parents? In shock (not really). But, we have said "Really? Already? Cool." a few times.
We are just over 11 weeks along, so it is still early in the process. Here are some fun facts to get you in the mood for a new baby:
Last time, I was preggers all winter and had a baby in the summer. This time, it is the exact opposite--pregnant all summer and a baby in the winter.
Last time, everyone was shocked by the news. This time, the first 3 people I told, responded immediately with: "I knew it!"
Last time, I was preggers for ComFest and Za Za Weekend. Same thing for both this time *sigh* Last time we told everyone in a Christmas letter, this time, well, it's the blog. So, if you are feeling a tad mad that this is how you are finding out, feel happy! We could have waited to tell ya in the Christmas Letter!
A quick word about reactions: When someone chooses to tell you they are pregnant, you might think a tad longer before saying, "Oh, is this an ooops?" Let me set the record straight for what some of you may be thinking: (1) We wanted this baby at this time, (2) we are thrilled that our kids will be 17 months apart, (3) yes, we know we will be very busy, (4) this does not compromise Wendy's health and waiting another few months would not make one bit of difference on that front. Rest assured we are intelligent individuals who made this choice consciously. If you have ever thought otherwise, you don't know us very well and shouldn't be reading our blog.
Finally, for those of you who do know us, this should not surprise you one bit: Names already under consideration include: Phillip (Brandon Phillips), Javie, Geronimo (GG, for short), Unique, Modesty, and Honor. Edinson, and Volquez Votto or Jesus or Houshmandzadeh or Darwin.
WOW! That is so so exciting. Congratulations! That's a great thing to do for Christmas this year.
Sending so much love and good thoughts and energy your way.
Meg, Kelly and Quincy
Other names for consideration for the Hoilday time of arrival : Wreath no one will ever get the connection a real LOL, Cranberry T. Erkie, Ornament, Tree, but Tree Grove might be crule :), and finally Bliss for the Starbuck's Christmas bar I love so much Do'ya like any if these? I will have more suggestions as time moves along.
Only happiness in the state of Oregon, we send heartfelt congrats along your way. If anyone has an issue with this magic time you tell them to contact your Mama. See you in 60 days and then in about 180 days give or take a few.
Forever love, Grandma K
So I take it you won't be joining us in Aruba in November! This is great news guys, we're so happy for you.
Yup B, looks like our grand plan of a vacation together will have to wait a bit. Maybe november 09!
Congratulations! We are so thrilled for you! What a great way to spend the holidays! love, jess
Names we considered for our Christmas baby were: Jesus, Merry or Three Wise Men.
Don't forget "Mesiah" Sounds crazy, but I told you I heard someone call to their kid with that name when we lived on the Westside.
I must admit, I'm partial to Unique Houshmendzadeh Grove. That's got a certain ring to it.
I have to cast my vote for Darwin. Or Darwina, I guess for a girl...~jess
I am so happy for the three of you. Can't wait to see you all!
Oh and naming your baby after a Bengal may be a curse...just saying :)
Congratulations!! That is such exciting news! Ryan and I are thrilled for you guys!! We love the updates and all the great pictures of Nora!! :)
Love, Cousin Erin and Ryan
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