Our baby is now a year old! We celebrated with a very small (Geoff, Nora, & I) birthday party, split a frosted brownie and opened gifts party last night. Jack loved icing and seemed to like his presents.

From the "party" a proud big sister shares in the celebrating! "Jack's a big boy now?" she asked after singing him a very sweet Happy Birthday song. Well, sort of....

At the pediatrician this morning, he weighed in at 28 pounds, 12 ounces (above 97
th percentile, although Doc O'Brien said, "Well, he is getting closer to the line" meaning he is not
so far above the highest percentile; 30 inches long (60
th percentile) and has a head in the 95
th percentile ("big brains run in our family," I said proudly). Look at that smile...

We also got the news that our dear friends Troy & Kathleen Carlson welcomes their brand new baby girl, Amelia "Millie" Jean Carlson into the world literally as we sucked the icing off our brownie. Congratulations and December 15 is a great day to be born!
So, despite a hectic past few weeks at work which included a FIVE day trip to DC for me (Geoff rocks for being at home with the kids that whole time alone), Christmas is on its way. My mom will be here in a week *
yay* and we actually got our real live (is there any other kind,
really?) tree this weekend. To that end, Nora Kate found the stockings and promptly put them on her feet. Right on girl, you wear those stockings!

And, after putting up the leaning tree, we promptly put a fence around it to keep the baby hands away from it and the ornaments we love. But here they are admiring the lights....

This is going to be one very fun Christmas. And, our cards are coming! Really. They might be late, but they are coming. Happy Holidays to everyone who reads the blog. Remember to enjoy the solstice!
What a way to start this overcasted, rain drenched, cold Oregon morning the instent smile I was presented with, will last throughout my day. Jack already ONE amazing the photo's are wonderful and appreciated. I will see you in a few days and like you I cant wait.
Welcome little Amelia and Congrats Troy and Kathleen
See yuou soon
Happy birthday to the cutest nephew in the whole wide world. What a great photo of Jack smiling, just so full of joy. Love the blog, keep it up, Sis. this will be one of the ways I keep up to date with growing kids. Thanks. Love, A.
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