When Eleanor was due to be born, some faithful blog readers will recall that we did not know if she would be a girl or a boy. When she did come out, the Doctor said, "It's a boy" when she simply meant a girl. The scheduled induction was Friday, July 13, 2007 and we were excited about that, with the fun math about prime numbers and Fridays being lucky birthdays and all. Then she would not come out and ended up born via C-section at 12:34 am on Saturday 7-14-07. She was also supposed to be a "big" baby, but was this tiny little peanut, all legs and arms.

[Picture from July 14, 2007]
The past three years has brought us both sweetness and sass, over-dependence and fierce independence, singing and screaming, running and swimming! I cannot tell you how much I look forward to the adult our baby will grow into while I simultaneously ache at how fast her childhood is passing by. Our baby, our girl, our Nora Kate Grove.

[Picture from February 2008]
So, for her, here I allow myself a bit of a mama moment and reminisce and laugh at the things she does that make me laugh (she says "I am frusterated," I love that), the things that make my heart swell (she flings her arm around my neck when we snuggle in for a nap), and the things that have me asking my own mama 'Was
I like
that?' (I say: The sky is blue, Nora says: No it isn't. I say: Look up, see how blue? Nora says: No Mama, that is not

[Picture from 2009]
I also feel the impulse to write down all the things I might not say well when it matters, when defining life moments may happen and I am not there or I fail miserably to say or do the thing you want me to say or do to instill your trust in me. But, it comes down to this: I love you my wonderful child and I always will. There is not a single thing you could do to un-secure that love; it was always there. I know I will not do everything right or even well in being your mama, but you will know that I am here and I love you. I will try to keep you safe and healthy in mind and body; but I will annoy and embarrass you, of that I am certain. That being said, you become whomever you want to become and do whatever work it is that excites you and we, your family, will be here when life gets tough or sad and when you need us.

[Picture from July 2010]
So, I hope you have enjoyed your birthday parties, your presents and the many treats as you turned three years old. I know I have enjoyed thinking back at all your growing and becoming and thinking ahead to all we have yet to do. You are no longer a baby, but you will always, now and forever, be
our baby.