So, Nora has a little brother and she tells everyone, including classmates that "This is my baby brother Jack." Or sometimes she introduces him as "Jackie Boo-Bear". So much so that one especially sophisticated five year old in her class once day replied, "We all know that Nora!" Well, we find it endearing. Lately, in our house, whatever Nora does, Jack does. She runs, he runs; she growls like a dinosaur (and she does, a lot), he growls; she climbs on top of tables, he does. You get the point. And Geoff snapped this gem of them sleeping together in the middle of the night, which I try to conjure up when they are fighting over toys.

And, here is our boy wearing a headband because if his sister has one, he wants one. Yeah, we love it too. By the way, Jack can say Nora now, as well as point out everyone in the family when you say "Where is...."; he says about a million words (OK, maybe 30, but he tries everything we say). My personal favorite besides "Nora" is "
bup" which means "up." He also rides a tricycle, climbs everything in sight, and sings.

Here they are eating a homemade pudding parfait after playing naked with the water hose in the backyard and getting too cold. You might notice both kids got haircuts recently. Nora's locks of three posts back were trimmed up just below her shoulders although she would like it shorter and all of Jack's beautiful curls were trimmed off and now he really looks so much older and like a little man. *sigh* The babies are
growin' up.

And, here is a fun one of Nora after she got all static-y. Reminded Geoff and I of the 1980s and I so want her to dress like an 80s punk rock girl for Halloween, but while she thought it was funny Mommy and Daddy were taking her picture and laughing, I am pretty sure the kid will end up being
Spiderman or Diego for Halloween instead.
And, just so the kids can know when they are older what they were doing at 3 and 21 months old, here are a few highlights:
- Grab toys out of each others hands (feeling entitled to do so), which immediately causes an emotional meltdown in the other one
- Nora is very good about being safe and holding hands in parking lots. We are learning to look both ways before crossing the street; Jack is not. He darts into streets and runs away at every opportunity and giggles while doing it
- Dinosaurs rule our house right now and both Mommy & Daddy are getting educated fast. I am pretty sure I didn't know what an Ankylosaurus or Diplodocus was two months ago and now I can spot them in a crowd of dinosaurs
- You are both very lovey and cuddly; you give kisses and hugs; say "Sorry" when you've made a bad choice; and have infectious laughs
- Jacky loves stomping in water of all kinds--puddles, poured water on the floor, dog dishes, bathtubs
We've been
hittin' the zoo hard as the summer winds down. We did the Upper Arlington Arts festival today; plus our regular hangouts like parks and coffee shops. Walks together are getting easier for the most part and the days are much cooler. Except for an old plumbing issue which has resurfaced as a problem, things are good. Happy Labor Day everyone!
1 comment:
Thank you for the photos love them all love the night time one, the hair band one, Nora's hair after a static event so sorry it took me so long to respond but as you know the place i work at removed every social site so it takes awhile for me to get any updated info. Please use the work one ~ love to all Mama
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