So, it occurred to me today that we had not posted pictures from Christmas. Yes, we did celebrate the holiday and it was fantastic. The kids opened almost every present under the tree together--at Nora's request. Of course, they made out like bandits thanks to Grandma and the whole Grove family here in Ohio. Dinosaurs were everywhere, as were dinosaur puzzles, dinosaur pajamas, dinosaur train talking dinosaurs, and talking baby dinosaurs. Needless to say, it was a very special day for the kids. The picture above is of Nora and her baby dinosaur Chomper, who since has even gone to work with Mama (because he is too little to stay home alone, of course). Below we are opening the many presents from Geoff's family at Pam & Scott's house.

Here is Jackie delivering presents from under the tree at home, where we started our morning with hot cinnamon rolls and presents followed by stockings.

And here Jack waits in anticipation for the word "go!"

And this one shows Nora brandishing her paleontologist tools as the kids get ready to unearth fossilized baby dinosaurs from their eggs.
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