Jack has been talking so much more lately and comes up with something new that makes us smile everyday. Here are some recent things he has said.
"I love you sooo much!" Melts my heart every time he says it and yes, he said it first to daddy.
"Tiger! Tiger! RAAAH!" - Including one time at 2AM where he thought this was the funniest thing ever.
"Gum please!" Every morning in the car even though we have never once given him gum in the morning.
"For you Mama!" (flowers, leaves, a wild mushroom); "Here ya go Mama" for trash, gum wrappers, and extra babas (pacifiers) he is not using.

Sleeping with his baseball glove.
"Mine juice" Mine instead of my is the standard right now.
"My super sad" (My instead of I and picked up the "super" in front of everything from Nora)
"Help Please." About everything we are doing (dinner, laundry, reading the newspaper) and he gets quite upset when there is nothing for him to help with.

"City Bus!" "Lellow Bus" Whenever we see one on the way to or from school.
We also had this conversation after he saw a city bus.
Mom: "You want to ride a city bus?"
JC: "Yes!"
Dad: "Where should we take it?"
JC: "Ummm . . market!"
Mom: "The market?"
JC: "Yes! Buy Apples!"
So you can see he had our Saturday all planned out.

When we ask what he wants for dinner the answer is usually "Fries" or "Chips" although lately he has added "Dinosaur mac and cheese." For breakfast, there is only one thing Jack wants: pancakes! (and he always yells it!)

Here is Jack (and we can no longer call him "Baby" because he is a Big Boy!) watching some TV. And even Mom has to admit what a big boy he is turning into.

And, still a devoted fan of his sister Nora Kate. I was informed just this evening that Nora is the only one "allowed" to still call Jack our family's nickname for him Jackie Boo Bear. Really?
Awwww, but I dubbed you that. No? Not me? Your dad wanted to call you Jukes! Just your sister?
Harumph, OK. By the way, for faithful blog followers, Nora came through her ear tube surgery a on Monday just perfect. Although sobbing from the anesthesia waking up, by the afternoon she was napping. After that, she was great. When I said "Be careful of your ears!" She said, "Why?" Ah, yes, good. Follow up is on Tuesday, so we'll see. Reports from Nora have been, well, less than reliable.
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