Eleanor is now over 4 months old! We went to the doctor for her 4 month visit this past Monday.
We knew she was growing and were anxious to see how big our girl had gotten. Turns out she had been growing a lot. She weighed in at 17.25 pounds in the 97+ percentile (or as our nurse said "Off the charts"), so it is good that her height/length is over 25 inches and in the 95th percentile. Her head size is also in the 95th percentile. So she is a big happy, healthy, baby. We are still awaiting Coach Foster's call.
The bad news is that she needed more vaccinations which involved 4 more shots. Getting her shots at 2 months was difficult, but this time was more painful for Mom and Dad. During the whole time in the exam room she was smiling at everyone and at herself in the mirror. So when she got the shots and starting screaming and crying in my arms, it broke our hearts. We felt like we betrayed her. Of course by the time we got home she was over the ordeal. Wish we could have forgotten it that easy.
Nora is really starting to focus on things and is grabbing her toys with both hands. This leads to her putting everything from her phone to her bunny to her lamb in her mouth. All part of growing up.
She is adorable! It is fun to see her grow in to her own person. Of course, we are thinking of putting some kind of spell on Madeline to keep her small...It will be so much fun to see the kids together soon. love, jess
Hi Kids,
That baby is the most beautiful child a grandma has ever seen, except for my own baby ~ her mama.
It is amazing to see her change in just a few weeks. She should be able to hold her own bottle pretty soon. All part of growing up I guess, and as far as the shots go I know it It's harder on us mama's and daddy's than the child because we remember longer and the our baby love just moves on to the next thing. I bet she won't even remember as she grows.
we are cold in Oregon snow down to the 500 foot level that means it's snowing up on OHSU hill but not at the water front where I work. we are crazy drivers in any inclimite weather but it's supposed to warm by the weekend.
Wendy, the tree lot is up and as usual the "Guys" all need counciling :) Ray send wishes of love as do alll the guys. See you sooon. Forever love Mama
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