Look at our smart girl! Here she is holding her bottle by herself! She is only 4 1/2 months old and already she is impressing us almost daily with a new skill.

Geoff and I have a great routine going with Eleanor Kate. We play after work/school, eat dinner, then have a bath and fall asleep on Mom or Dad. The transfer from arms to pack'n'play then takes place--more successful than not resulting in a few hours of quiet time for us parents. Here is Daddy moving baby to said pack'n'play until we are ready for bed a few hours later.

And here is our girl in a shirt that says "Princess" that Nora received from Grandma's friend Dot (Thanks Dot!). It is awfully cute on her!
So, updates from Eleanor's world include learning how to growl, hold her own bottle, sitting in a high chair, playing in her exer-saucer, and standing for longer periods of time. Growling comes from Dad or Mookie, not sure which, but she will just start growling and if you answer her back, she smiles really wide. It is a sweet thing that has me convinced she will start talking soon. Also, standing up! She doesn't buckle her knees like a lot of kiddos, so we think she'll be walking by 8-9 months too! Obviously a brilliant child! Call me crazy, but Mensa may be calling soon. Seriously, we are just having fun with our little Nora Bean. Her smiles melt our hearts and just wait until you get your Christmas picture, it is something else!
1 comment:
Your friend Ari is a bad friend.
I miss you guys so much and want to come see the baby but I am only home for a few days for Christmas because of craziness in Alabama. We must catch up. Love you!
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