Eleanor Kate is an early-to-bed, early-to-rise girl. Last night, for example, she feel asleep on Mama at 7:15 pm. Now, Mama loved this as it freed her up for some quality lunch-making, coffee-prep, dish-doing time. However, at 4:30 am, this little baby of mine started singing in bed. I am not kidding, she even woke up her Daddy, who normally can sleep through her morning ramblings. Not today! Anyway, here are some pictures of our girl from this week. Her Uncle Whit was in town and visiting and he is very fun. 

1 comment:
Hi Love bugs,
Hi Uncle Whit hope your enjoying spending time with my little grand daughter isn't she just the sweetest, heartest, baby lovest, ever? We sure loved the time she spent in Oregon during the hoildays with her Portland family. All is well here, keep the photo's coming I have them posted over my work station here at the office. Wendy please read a e-mail I wrote to your Neoucom address and let me know what you think. we love and miss everyone. Till later, Mama
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