Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Along with crawling, standing, and talking another new thing Eleanor has learned is to smile at the camera. Whenever she sees us grab the camera she breaks out with a huge smile. Exhibits below.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Nine Months Old!

Speaking of Uncle Whit, he has been here visiting and the whole family has adored him being here. He plays with Nora, takes Mookie on fabulously long walks, and hangs out with their parents. Here is a picture from the past few days:
Mensa may be interested to know our girl can almost say "Dog"---she says "Dah" every time Mookie is around her--between giggles. It is just so darn cute!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Friends & Talking
Nora has been talking more and more everyday. Abut a week ago she said "Dada" for the first time. This made my heart melt when she said it to me or when I enter the room but, then she will go on to say Dada when she sees Mookie, a bottle, her toys, while looking out the window in the car, etc. So it is good to hear her talking but she hasn't figured out Dada = me quite yet. Just a couple of days ago she said her first clear "Mama" and it seems she is making new sounds everyday.
Long Time Gone
Sorry that we have been gone for so long, it's just that EKG is busy busy everyday and Geoff has been sick since Sunday morning and that just leaves little time for blogging. Though we'd get some pictures up at least and tell you that Nora now has THREE teeth in various stages of coming in. We did the Ferber Method for getting her to sleep in her crib with some great success this weekend. She cried for 30 minutes the first night, then only 4 minutes the second. Last night, she cried only 10 minutes before succumbing to sleep. She slept all night Friday night, until 4 am Saturday and until 4 am last night. After 20 minutes of trying, we finally brought her into bed with us. We's bad to set up those habits, but what can I say? I miss her in bed with me. That's it for now, another update coming soon. 

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