Our sweet Nora Kate is now officially nine months old! She checked out at the doctor yesterday at 22.5 pounds (gained 2.5 in 3 months) and 28 1/2 inches long (grew 3/4 inch from last time). Weight and head remain at 95% percentile while height dropped to 75
th. This past weekend, she started crawling consistently and mastered the
sippy cup. Tried mushrooms (the veggie) for the first time as well as olives, both of which were a hit. More table/regular food was the recommendation from Doc.
Rohyens, which Nora will LOVE. Teeth are coming in too, causing some fussiness, but really our girl is still a happy little thing. It's pajama day at school on
Thursday, so Mama went shopping for some new
PJs last night while Daddy and Uncle Whit went see

Speaking of Uncle Whit, he has been here visiting and the whole family has adored him being here. He plays with Nora, takes Mookie on fabulously long walks, and hangs out with their parents. Here is a picture from the past few days:
Mensa may be interested to know our girl can almost say "Dog"---she says "Dah" every time Mookie is around her--between giggles. It is just so darn cute!
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