Being it was her first birthday we should have known it wouldn't end after one big party. Wendy and I took her out to dinner on her actual birthday. As Eleanor didn't have her heart set on
Chuckie Cheese just yet we decided to try Bistro 86 a new Asian-Fusion restaurant in town. We thought it was excellent, although the southwestern pad
thai noodles might have been a bit
spicy for Nora.

A week after her birthday we stopped by our friends Jim and Francois's house for fruit p
opsicles and chatting. After playing/chasing their dogs, they brought out some cheese and crackers, unaware how much Nora loves her cheese. We had so much fun we forgot to get her present and they had to drop it off later.

The next day our friend Ari from Alabama was in the area and stopped by for a visit and Eleanor got yet another present. Nora had fun showing Ari how she could climb the stairs over and over and over . . .
Thanks to everyone who gave her a gift and helped make the big 1 so special.

Eleanor has really started to "give love" to us and her stuffed animals. I'm not sure there is a better feeling than her giving a hug and laying her head on your shoulder. Here she is giving Wendy a hug.
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