I have figured out that good parents have the answer to one key question. That question is: Where can I take my toddler to be entertained when it is freezing outside? Seriously, finding the answer to that question (especially when you live urban and realize you have to travel to suburbia to find most of these places) that keeps us sane and Nora Kate from bopping her brother on the head because she is frustrated or bored.
Despite the cold weather, we are having some fun. See below:
Making jello jigglers:

Going outside anyway (Nora grabbed her Dad's coat and hat to go outside after he had taken her out and played in snow for a good 20 minutes, for which she thanked him with a kiss):

Going to other people's houses to play (Thank you Nana Kathy & Papa Steve, Sidney & Hannah!) and getting fun surprises like hats made just for you (Thank you McKenzie!)

And, finally, taking the kiddo out for fast food and ice cream, just so you can play on the businesses' indoor play yards. We did this Sunday and it was a sure fire hit. Because absolutely none of the fast food places near us have play yards (we live in a college district, not a place where many people have kids), we opted for Graeters ice cream and Nora loved it. She is a tad young for some of the slides and things, but played basketball, climbed stairs and flew down slides, and rode a banana see-saw. Great fun! Plus, mom got to eat real ice cream.
So, we're having fun, trying to stay sane with nights full of broken sleep. Oh, and I am collecting estimates on a new roof and some kitchen remodeling. So, if you know anyone who does these kinds of things honestly for a fair price, pass her/his name along. Here is one more of Jack in his many layers to brace against the cold: