Little Jack continues to get bigger and stronger everyday. He is staying awake for longer periods of time and wants to eat constantly. We took him to the doctor for a weigh in to make sure he was gaining weight and he well surpassed the doc's goal of gaining half ounce a day.

Eleanor continues to learn something new every minute. She now talks in complete sentences and reads out loud. Granted we can't understand what she is saying but what comes out is in the form of a sentence and she certainly knows what she wants. She will grab anything we are reading, hold it in front of her and read it aloud while walking around the house.

We got her ready for the Ohio State bowl game by teaching her "Go Bucks!" and trying to teach her the Oh -
io chant. She can't quite get the h and i, so she does "O" with the arm motion and after we fill in the h and i she ends it with another enthusiastic "o".
1 comment:
It just amazing to see the difference in both kids. I had no doubt that Eleanor would be reading she knew and was able to point to whatever I asked her to point to in all the books we read during my stay last week. I love the "O" picture what a sweetie. Jack is changing daily and I know following his big sister he will be reading to in no time :)
Oregon is drying out and we all send lots of love your way. Take care and thanks for the update
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