Jackson turned one month old last week and had his pediatrician appointment with the new Doc (our old Doc retired). We like Doc O'Brien so far as she was very relaxed, has kids of her own, and understood first hand why Jack's blanket had dog hair on it (she has a yellow lab)! We found out that our little guy is 11.5 pounds (90th percentile), 21 inches (25th %), and has a head measuring in the 75th percentile. Jack, my boy, you are sized like a linebacker at one month old. Now, if only you end up left handed, you have a great shot at becoming either a big league pitcher or president of the USA (did you all see that stat, that 50% of the presidents have been left handed?? Weird given that lefties used to be burned at the stake for suspicion of witchcraft).
Also last week, Eleanor turned a year & a half! Geoff and I stopped to think about it and were both stunned at how time has flown. She will have her 18 month pediatrician appointment a month late (so, next month) and we'll see how she is measuring then. Until then, here are a few more pictures of the kids since I am their mother and think they are so cute.

I hadn't noticed Jack's hair before... they are beautiful. Still can't wait to see you all soon.
Glad you like O'Brien-I am sure Maddie will meet her sometime soon. It seems your kids have their "cute guns" set to "stun"! looking forward to seeing all y'all soon. ~jess
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