Since everyone asks how Nora is doing with a new baby brother, I thought I would show you. She is doing great, for the most part....she hugs, kisses, and loves on him as much as we will let her.

And we let her, so that she feels connected to him, despite the
petrie dish of germs she comes home from school as everyday. He needs to build his immune system anyway, right?
There has been one sort-of interesting thing... She wants to sit and be "in" his things, evidence below:

In his vibrating chair. No vibrations or music needed, just likes to be in there yanking
the dangling bunny down from its apparatus.
And, here she is in his Pack 'n' Play, which we used extensively with a newborn Eleanor for changing diapers and taking naps. Turns out with an 18 month old on the loose, it can be pretty dangerous for a newborn. Eleanor would come up to it and shake it vigorously while Jack was inside. She never did it for more than a second, but needless to say, the P 'n' P is now upstairs and used only when Nora is at school.

Nora's biggest hurdle to overcome with her baby brother is in not knowing that she is big and Jack is small. That his limbs do not move like a doll's limbs (she pulls at them in any random angle she pleases). And, that Mommy's and Daddy's attention is better when focused on one child rather than both at the same time.
But, despite
the abuse she inflicts on him, Nora is ultra protective of Jack. Just yesterday, I took him in to meet his new teachers and then picked up Nora in her classroom. Well, she shoved 3 different kids away from the stroller when they came close to see Jack. While I corrected her to be nice to her friends, I was glad that she cared about him (even if it is just a possession thing and not a love thing). For being 17 months apart, Nora is doing great with him. So, we're all adjusting. One more week off and I am back to work, so we'll see how hectic life gets then.