The last few weeks Eleanor's spoken vocabulary has been increasing daily. She started by trying to repeat words we would say, but recently has started saying new words on her own. For example, in the tub the other day she said "bubbles" without any
prompting. Everyday more caveman grunts are replaced with words.

It would be impossible to make a complete list of everything she has said or tried to say, but currently her three favorite words are, "Jack!"(always said with great vigor), "Momma" (usually repeated over and over), and "
nooooooo" (said in a sing song fashion with a head shake).

Jackson continues to
develop and has started tracking our voices and movement. If he could run I'm sure he would whenever he heard "Jack!" as EKG can be a bit over zealous in her affection for her brother.

that first picture of Norah is fantastic. Love it.
Hi my Ohio family,
Love the little red gloves, does she like the snow? Jack's new hat is to cute, Nora's little pig tails is sweet. makes her look so grown up. The love between her and brother warms the heart. I love the way she tries to hold him. she is a good big sister.
Look for love coming your way soon ~ G Ma
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