Well, we have finally made to the month our little one will enter the world. Whether it be July 11th or not the baby should make his/her first appearance in the real world sometime this month, if not Wendy may just kill somebody. As you can see Wendy is getting big and although she has enjoyed the pregnancy, she is ready to "get the kid out".
I'd also like to wish my father a happy birthday, for privacy reasons we can't disclose his exact age. Dad has been a great support for Wendy and I and we will be counting on that support to continue once we really have our hands full. Hear that, dad? No vacations this year for you! Skyler and Scott also have July birthdays, which is one reason we thought it had to be a boy through the beginning of the pregnancy. As will happen over a 9 month period, minds will change and we are both now thinking it will be a girl. Needless to say we don't really care as long as it is one or the other.
To celebrate the birth month the boys got a new party outfit. The Hawaiian shirt looks good on both of them, although a little snug on Charlie and a little big on Mookie. Neither seemed to mind too much although the shirt tends to fall off after a bit wrassling or butterfly hunting.
Thank-you for the updated photo Geoff, my baby looks so tired. I think she should stop working and rest as much as she can before the little one arrives. Wendy, thank-you for all the news you've shared with me, it's like being given little gifts everyday, gifts I'll remember and always treasure. No matter how many times I say it, or how many people I tell this is one of the greatest times in my life I'am truly blessed.
I'd like to take just a few minutes and wish Ron a happy birthday, I hope you celebrated with everyone you love close around you. May the wishes wished for all come true.
Well, a good thing about a scheduled c-section (so I have heard), is the key word: scheduled. Who really looks forward to the wake up in the middle of the night-holy shit-this is really happening-at 0'dark thirty-moment? I hope everything is OK with Mama and Baby (and Daddy, too). Take care-we are both thinking of you guy!! ~jess
Well, a good thing about a scheduled c-section (so I have heard), is the key word: scheduled. Who really looks forward to the wake up in the middle of the night-holy shit-this is really happening-at 0'dark thirty-moment? I hope everything is OK with Mama and Baby (and Daddy, too). Take care-we are both thinking of you guy!! ~jess
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