Here are some shots of Eleanor's first pumpkin carving experience. We got her all set up, but she didn't quite understand the purpose.

We thought she'd enjoy playing with the innards, but she seemed to think we were serving her a new kind of dinner. She was especially confused when we brought out a spoon and she wasn't allowed to use it to eat anything. Note my hand holding her back from eating a spoonful of pumpkin guts.

She does look good in hats though doesn't she?

Here is the pumpkin carved by Wendy. I took too long on mine and by the time I was finished Wendy and Nora were in clean up mode and the camera had been put away. Anyway mine looked something like
That pumpkin looks just like the pumpkin gramma used to carve expecially in the mouth area. I love Geoff's pumpkin but somehow think it has been digitally (sp)enhanced :)the pictures are wonderful the one with the top of the punpkin is now on my desktop, I laughed so hard my eyes got soggy. keep the wonderful pix's coming.
By the way ~ Happy Anner tomorrow
OOPS ~ Happy day on the 7th not tomorrow but have a good day tomorrow to. See you in a few ~ Mama
Wow my first SPAM comments. The Grove Family blog has finally hit the big time!
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