For trick and treating this year Eleanor went as a ladybug. We went over to the
Lynaughs as their neighborhood is very kid friendly. Almost every house had people sitting on the front porch to hand out candy and some neighbors were even cooking out together. Trick or treating mixed with tailgating . . . I like it.

Frymyers were also there to join the fun. Here is Maddie as
Scooby Doo.

Taryn was dressed as a nice ghost. Part of being a nice ghost is to pose for a picture, unlike our ladybug who I believe is running after the cat and trying to get out of the frame.

The dads took the kids out for candy and the moms held down the fort. As I mentioned, Nora was much more interested in the neighborhood dogs than in getting candy, so we didn't have a huge haul of goodies. We did have a good time walking around and meeting people (and dogs) then we headed home and Eleanor got to sample some of the candy.
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